Group A1
Extensive and comprehensive report on all the shops required – well done. The images could have been more impactful and communicative – more images might be good here. Good use of words – a good team effort.
Please use a spellchecker! You have written ‘nit’ instead of ‘knit’, ‘apreciatte’ instead of ‘appreciate’
Grade 2:1
Group A2
I can only find one page of information here – no older or newer blogs. This is not enough work for this project. The Selfridges page gives no sense of the slick international flavour of this most fashion aware department store – just looks like a surreal walk in the country! For Acne I am expecting more than a few poor images of the inside of the store! The last three images help a little to give some sense of the brand but still a very lazy effort with almost no text.
Grade: Fail
Group A3
No blog received – if you have done it please forward it to me
Group A4
You have entitled this blog ‘ The Elite versus High street’ but do not explain which shop is where in you perceptions so the theory you appear to be promoting is lost. Check your details – one of the best known shops in London (and the world) is not called ‘Liberties’ it’s Liberty!
It is good to see the variety of imagery you needed to communicate your impressions of the shops but the repeated use of the cheap looking picture frame is unnecessary, misleading and anyway it’s pretty hideous. Be more critical of what you have put together here – for example, what images now look weak? Leave them out.
Grade 3rd
Group A5
An extensive collection of material on each shop showing focussed observation of the stores, their staff and merchandise. Please, please read what you have written so that grammer and spelling are better – and use the spellchecker.
Visually the work presented is not strong. It’s fine to make some quick sketches to remind yourselves of what you are looking at but they are not nearly good enough to present as elements of final work.
Grade 2:2
Group B1
Some good descriptive sentences used here. However, a lot of use of the word ‘I’ showing that this was not a conclusion arrived at by the team. The idea of this project is that you are all aware of these shops – they will be important to you through your career – and that you will continue to visit them. The imagery generally weak, poorly drawn and uninspired, What does this sad little drawing of Browns have to offer? Some shops do not have imagery at all – including the first shops on your blog which is a poor start and introduction to this piece of work. Check your spelling – what is a ‘cab nit’ in the Start piece?!
Grade 3rd
Group B2
A comprehensive and well rounded piece of work - there is always room for improvement but you have covered each shop with consideration and analysis. Good and varied vocabulary communicates an understanding and enthusiasm for the shops you visited – good display of teamwork.
Grade 2:1.
Group B3
This appears a very half hearted effort indeed – I asked that you should not resort to a photo of the shop and most of this blog is composed of just that.
Grade – Fail
Group B4
A very pared down offering – I would like to see more work here – but well presented visually – the images for the shops themselves need more definition and more words would help to communicate your ideas better too
Grade 2:2
Group B5
Group C1
this strange Edwardian perfume image is doing little to introduce you viewers to a series of presentations on some of the most exciting and modern fashion shops in the world! And please lose the dreary cheap wallpaper background too. Once we get past the bad introduction there are some really clever images that you have selected or created to convey the mood of each store. This is much improved. The text is good too
Grade: 2:2 – change the intro and this will improve
Group C2
This blog has potential but it’s too minimal – I want to see and read much more. Interesting us of words – again more of them would be good to help communicate your ideas. The images have taken thought, analysis and group discussion – again I would like to see more.
Grade 2:2
Group C3
Lively and engaging series of imagery – and good supportive text as well. This is a pleasing exposition of what you were asked to do – clean and honed and considered – it certainly feels like the group worked well together to create this – the work appears developed and I get a sense you had good discussions to achieve this
Grade; 2:1
Group C4
A good variety of shops – not all from the list we gave you so well done for finding more and exploring them. You have dealt well with giving an impression of the store though the images you have created – imaginative and creative collages of imagery and some good use of vocabulary to support the image.
Grade: 2:1
Not now sure which blog I am referring to here as I had it under the wrong heading originally!!
This blog contains very few of the shops you were asked to investigate so is incomplete. Some effort has been made to give an impression of the store but it is very little work for a 5 week project with a whole team working on it
Grade – Fail