Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Happy Hallowe'eeeeeeen

Frite-Night is upon us, take some time out, enjoy some fun, comes but once a year - Spook you Later!
Colleen Atwood collaborates with Tim Burton / Hollywood
Before she was super slick Carrie Bradshaw, she was a singing witch - Yes.. Scary!
Its MJ, of course your hiding behind the sofa
Some real intense acting going on.. Aaaarrrrgggghhhhhhh

Monday, 29 October 2012

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Year One: SubCultures | Music videos

You are ALL thinking about SubCultures, group dynamics, identity, seeking who you are / who are your peers in a social context.
Look at some of these examples that really do explain through visual & audible learning what SubCultures can be; granted some are dated but they show fashion, identity and trends very well

*Check email for all relevant links*
*What do YOU think?*

Friday, 19 October 2012

Year One & Two: Film Season

Art and Design Events Series - CulturePonics
This is kicking of with an Autumn Cinema Season that is hosted in HG19 Hatchcroft on Wednesdays at 17:30.
Popcorn and refreshments will be provided.
Screenings will be preceded by a short introduction and concluded with a discussion.
Halloween Special
31st October – THE SHINING – Stanley Kubrick 1980
 7th November – TEKKONKINKREET – Michael Arias 2006

21st November – METROPOLIS – Fritz Lang 1927
28th November – AELITA QUEEN OF MARS – Yakov Protazanov 1924
5th December – THINGS TO COME – William Cameron Menzies 1936
Double Bill
12th December – JETEƉ – Chris Marker 1967
12th December – ALPHAVILLE – Jean-Luc Godard 1965

19th December – BLADERUNNER (the final cut) – Ridley Scott 1982

Year Two: from Pam Simpson re: FSH 2936

 October 25th / two venues:
This is a self directed visit
1.  "Tim Walker: Story Teller" exhibition, visually exciting and influential fashion photographer. He has a unique approach to how he represents and photographs the body and fashion. 
Somerset House, East Wing, sponsored by Mulberry.
Free entry, 10am-6pm. 
     2.  Imperial War Museum
Entry £ 5.40 /10am-6pm.
"Theatre of War" - Cecil Beaton photographs SE16

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Year One: Shop(report)-til-you-drop!

Monday 22nd October with SRK

Group A: 11:00am

Group B: 11:15am

Group C: 11:30am
!!!Remember to have some lunch in between!!!
Group A: 3:00pm

Group B: 3:15pm

Group C: 3:30pm

See you all then; bring brief, notepads, cameras and wear decent shoes as it's a long day!!

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Year Two

Friday 19th October room G203 with SRK
Knitters & Weavers 9:00am - 11:15am
Printers 11:45am - 2:00pm

 Please bring brief and all work relating to
FSH2400 "Details and how they can make a collection"

One for the Romantics..

Saturday, 13 October 2012

From Pam Simpson

Message for Year 1 and 2:
Can I just apologize if there was any confusion about seminar groups this week, I had asked for timetabling to not allocate groups on misis, as we were setting seminar groups; by accident timetabling did make an allocation on misis.
Just to confirm, you are in the seminar groups that Neelam and Pam have allocated you in.
All the best,

1st Year NEW Rotations

Ladies & Gents, we got a little carried away..
Many apologies for any confusions, please see groups below, these are the NEW rotations you will be starting off with, so please dismiss any other information from other tutors / emails received last week and now the new groups and times/places to be
As ever, please be prepared and on time and enjoy!

Group A with Brian-Print 

Group B with Ted-Knit

Group C with Julie-Weave